The daydreams concept: simply brilliant
The idea daydreams is based on is both surprisingly simple and extraordinary: it focuses on the differences in utilisation factors of hotel capacities and their smart exploitation.
With daydreams customers can take advantage of favourable conditions in the hotel when booking a regular half board arrangement - for 100 % holiday enjoyment and without concessions regarding quality!
With our daydreams products we enable our customers to book unused hotel capacities under very favourable conditions. This way you save money and take advantage of a smart exploitation.
Your advantage is obvious: With your daydreams product, the overnight stay has already been paid for. Customers only pay for breakfast and dinner in the hotel. After their journey, satisfied customers will be contacted for a quality review of their stay. This contact can also be used as a means of selling new hotel vouchers or for joining the "club" with an annual membership.
This is how our country partners build up their customer databases and how more and more customers in Europe become "daydreamers". Keep building your success with our successful concept!
We are planning to roll out the daydreams concept in new markets within the next years - with Europe getting priority.
To achieve that goal we are looking for new country partners that will help us to build up the setup and explore the concept in new countries.
Read more using the following links.